Carbon-neutrality-goal reached Empowered by our vision
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  • Carbon-neutrality-goal reached

We achieved our aim of reaching net zero CO2 emissions with offsetting in our eyewear production in September 2022. We are proud to have arrived at this goal via a combination of reduction initiatives, including not only purchasing but also producing our own green electricity.

Achieving net zero

Global warming is currently happening on an unprecedented scale with the main cause being the release of greenhouse gases such as CO2. We know that the use of fossil fuels in industry contributes to this.
This is why we choose a mix of CO2-free sustainable sources including solar, wind, hydro, biomass and biogas for all our headquarters and production site’s electricity.

Our own electricity is created with almost 36,000 square feet of solar panels which were installed in 2020.

We also work with certified CO2 offsetting projects. Read more about our offsetting programs here.

A vision for tomorrow

We are not stopping there though. We continue to introduce new sustainability projects to ensure our eyewear remains visionary. As one of our third-generation owners states: ‘We want to be the forerunners in sustainable innovation, in harmony with environmental protection’.

Over to you

Join us on our sustainable journey on Instagram and Facebook @silhouetteeyewear where we’ll be sharing more of our sustainable developments.