Titan Minimal Art rimless glasses are still revolutionary and iconic after 25 years. The featherweight champion is a minimalist masterpiece worn by earthly visionaries and space explorers alike. The refreshed edit features innovative and aesthetic highlights like partial color groove and gradient-tinted lenses for the next generation. Introducing a new and improved chassis with more flex in the titanium temples and adjustable tips for the best fit in the galaxy.
Titan Minimal Art rimless glasses are still revolutionary and iconic after 25 years. The featherweight champion is a minimalist masterpiece worn by earthly visionaries and space explorers alike. The refreshed edit features innovative and aesthetic highlights like partial color groove and gradient-tinted lenses for the next generation. Introducing a new and improved chassis with more flex in the titanium temples and adjustable tips for the best fit in the galaxy.
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Titan Minimal Art rimless glasses are still revolutionary and ico...
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Silhouette brings you frames and lenses in perfect harmony, because you can only have a perfect visual experience when the lenses are tailor-made to fit their frames. Silhouette Vision Sensation® lenses are made largely by hand, and with the utmost precision. 100% made in Austria.
Stylish and convenient: Instantly transform your rimless optical eyewear into stylish sunglasses with clip-on Silhouette Style Shades and enjoy perfect UV protection.
Register your Silhouette glasses and benefit from our Silhouette warranty programme
Titan Minimal Art
Frame colour
2540 Lava Orange
Cleaning cloth
Silhouette Vision Sensation®
Silhouette brings you frames and lenses in perfect harmony, because you can only have a perfect visual experience when the lenses are tailor-made to fit their frames. Silhouette Vision Sensation® lenses are made largely by hand, and with the utmost precision. 100% made in Austria.
Stylish and convenient: Instantly transform your rimless optical eyewear into stylish sunglasses with clip-on Silhouette Style Shades and enjoy perfect UV protection.
Select a Click & Collect partner optician near you.
Arrange an appointment to try on the glasses at your Click & Collect partner optician. During your consultation, you will have the chance to discuss customisation and prescription glazing options.
We will send the products in your Click & Collect basket to the partner optician you have selected completely free of charge. They should arrive at the optician within 5-6 working days.
The actual price varies from one Click & Collect partner to another. The price excludes prescription glazing. Only pay for the items you like directly at the optician.
Select a Click & Collect partner optician near you.
Arrange an appointment to try on the glasses at your Click & Collect partner optician. During your consultation, you will have the chance to discuss customisation and prescription glazing options.
We will send the products in your Click & Collect basket to the partner optician you have selected completely free of charge. They should arrive at the optician within 5-6 working days.
The actual price varies from one Click & Collect partner to another. The price excludes prescription glazing. Only pay for the items you like directly at the optician.
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Your shopping cart currently contains products that will be delivered to your optician. Please complete your online order process first.
Titan Minimal ArtLava Orange
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To make sure the glasses fit you well, let us know your head size. Which size is best for you?
Where can I find my lens width?
Your lens width is located on the inside of the temple. It's the first Number just before the square symbol and usually ranges from 46 to 62 mm.
{{ product.name }}
{{ product.sku }}
Frame colour2540 Lava Orange
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Delivery in 5-6 working days
Try on at your optician
Deliver free of charge to Click & Collect partner optician (no obligation to buy). Available from optician in 5-6 working days. Only pay for the items you like.
Discover the truly iconic design: Hingeless, and screwless for 24/7 wearing comfort, the Titan Minimal Art sports a dynamic, rimless look for visionaries who demand the best in precision-premium eyewear.
Shape ML in 2540 Lava Orange
Cosmic colors. Precious metals.
Incomparable Lightness
Titan Minimal Art
Four exceptional models, enhanced with unique Color Groove and tinted lenses.
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Try Silhouette eyewear online - with the Virtual Try-On
You will need
A mobile device – smartphone or tablet – or a computer equipped with a camera.
Optional: a standard-sized card (e.g. loyalty card).
How does the Virtual Try-On work
Take a video of yourself using the camera on your device.
You can also take a photo of your face whilst positioning a standard-sized card (e.g. loyalty card) within the frame (optional step). This will ensure that the size of the glasses is as true to reality as possible.
You can now try on both optical eyewear and sunglasses using the Virtual Try-On.
Silhouette will protect your data
You can delete your video/photo at any time.
Your photo/video will only be stored and used for the Virtual Try-On.
{{ product.name }}
{"find_retailer_nearby":"Find a retailer near you.","send_me_the_journal":"Yes, please send me the free Silhouette Journal.","without_styleshades":"without Style Shades","find_retailer_near_you":"Find a retailer near you.","you_are_in":"You are in","shape":"Shape","form_atelier_serialnumber_placeholder":"Serial number","product_overview_loading":"Loading products?","color":"Colour","glassshape":"Lens shape","got_it":"OK","page_was_not_found":"Page not found.","something_went_wrong":"Something has gone wrong.","we_are_sorry":"Sorry!","please_try_again":"Please try again.","no_search_results_found_for_term":"Unfortunately there were no results for this search term.","explore_in_360":"Explore in 360°","remember_this_configuration":"Save my custom eyewear","product_configuration_heading":"Customise your eyewear","search_placeholder":"Enter your search term?","lang_arabic":"العربية","lang_japanese":"日本語","lang_korean":"한국어","lang_chinese":"中文","lang_spanish":"Español","lang_french":"Français","retailersearch":"Retailer search","lang_german":"Deutsch","lang_italian":"Italiano","lang_english":"English","find_retailer":"Find a retailer","mr":"Mr","mrs":"Mrs","firstname":"First name","lastname":"Last name","email":"Email","street":"Street","zip":"Postcode","city":"Town\/City","country":"Country","state":"Region\/County","language":"Language","newsletterlanguage":"Newsletter language","journallanguage":"Journal language","send":"Send","comment":"Your message","agree_privacy":"I have read and accept the privacy policy.","required_fields":"*mandatory fields","newsletter_success_headline":"Thank you! 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